News Feed and Bits
[Links active as of date posted]
-14 September 2024. Like your bacon?
-19 July 2024. Philosophizing a Pig's Snout on ASEBL.
-11 July 2024. The Wildlife State of Gaia, by Gregory F. Tague published by the APA.
-1 April 2024. Animal Dignity, a book edited by Melanie Challenger, reviewed by Prof. Tague
-19 March 2024. Animal art and advocacy in war-torn Ukraine.
-18 March 2024. What would Jesus think and do about how we treat animals? Christpiracy.
-9 March 2024. Your beef cows humanely hanged and slashed.
-9 March 2024. States to ban lab meat? Cattlemen in Florida move against "moon meat." And here in The Hill.
-21 February 2024. Wild animals should be paid for their ecosystem maintenance. Wired.
-24 January 2024. A plant-based diet is urgent and simple. Psychology Today.
-16 January 2024. College campuses are going vegan.
-12 January 2024. Plants over meat and dairy. An essay by Jane Goodall and Koen Margodt.
-11 January 2024. Good read: NYU Center for Environmental and Animal Protection annual report.
-11 January 2024. Of wolves and cows by Marc Bekoff.
-16 December 2023. Animal AG is making false claims about climate neutrality while they pollute. It's too good to be true unbiased research shows.
-1 December 2023. Book review. Defending Animals by Kendra Coulter.
-21 November 2023. Are there limits to how animals should be used in medical experiments benefiting humans? An ASEBL editorial.
-5 November 2023. Death notice, Karen Davis, founder of United Poultry Concerns and animal rights activist.
-1 October 2023. Dr. Carlo Alvaro with Will Edmond on Raw Veganism and Lab-grown "meat."
-15 July 2023. Phasing out animal AG will stabilize the climate. Stanford News (from 2022).
-3 July 2023. An open letter to Peter Godfrey-Smith in response to his anti-vegan essay in Aeon Magazine. Published on ASEBL.
-30 June 2023. Humanity's diverse predatory niche and its ecological consequences. An article in Nature.
-1 June 2023. Sexism in animal liberation - book review by Gregory Tague.
-21 April 2023. Eating our way to extinction (the meat industry). Film.
-1 April 2023. Review of Vincent Zonca's book, Lichens.
-28 March 2023. Vegan athlete Karina Inkster talks to Prof. Tague about veganism and evolution.
-19 March 2023. Cultivated in-vitro lab meat as pet food.
-8 March 2023. The importance of recognizing sentience in animals.
-1March 2023. Justice for animals according to Martha C. Nussbaum.
-14 February 2023. A potential PR problem for in-vitro lab meat makers.
-2 February 2023. Trees, people, and mutually beneficial relationships.
-1 February 2023. A Better Ape - book reviewed by Gregory F. Tague.
-1 February 2023. Sentient and emotional reptiles. A new book.
-1 January 2023. An evolutionary case for veganism in Mother Pelican.
-14 December 2022. Is there moral justification to eat meat? Read Gregory F. Tague's answer to that question in the Ecological Citizen.
-1 November 2022. Review of Animal Crisis by ethical philosophers Alice Crary and Lori Gruen in Leonardo Reviews online.
-18 October 2022. Carlo Alvaro, a philosopher of virtue ethics, comments on cultured meat.
-10 October 2022. Acquittal of open rescue activists, reported on Animals 24-7.
-24 September 2022. Vegan pet food, by Andrew Knight.
-24 September 2022. What's it like to be a plant? Find out here.
-1 September 2022. The Creative Lives of Animals by Carol Gigliotti.
-29 August 2022. Professor Tague was interviewed by the legendary animal rights activist and conservationist Marc Bekoff for Psychology Today, HERE.
-26 August 2022. Gregory F. Tague was interviewed by Caryn Hartglass for the radio show "It's All About Food." They talked about veganism and evolution. Listen HERE.
-26 June 2022. Another senseless killing of a "non-human" ape person.
-15 June 2022. The Vegan Evolution is published. Read about and order a copy of the book HERE.
-6 May 2022. A paper co-authored by Gregory F. Tague and Sintia Molina on food culture has been published in the journal Environmental Sciences Proceedings.
-29 March 2022. Dr. Carlo Alvaro university talk on the ethics of veganism, HERE.
-23 March 2022. Professor Tague was recently interviewed by Dr. Josh Milburn for the podcast series Knowing Animals, HERE. Additionally, Prof. Tague made a presentation about veganism and evolution hosted by Earthsave Canada, HERE.
-12 March 2022. New book by Professor Tague is now in production with release by early June. The Vegan Evolution: Transforming Diets and Agriculture. Preorder.
-15 February 2022. "How your brain wrestles with the ethics of eating animals." HERE.
-13 February 2022 (from May 2020). Healthiest Veggies.
-11 January 2022. Body building without meat. Nimai Delgado.
-11 January 2022. Eurogroup for animals. The voice for animals in Europe.
-2 December 2021. Review essay, On the Animal Trail, by Baptiste Morizot. Published on Leonardo.
-30 November 2021. Stop demonizing "invasive" species. VOX.
-30 November 2021. Outrage over talk of "culling" gorillas from European zoos. The Guardian.
-4 November 2021. Here's an article about Simona Kossak (from 2015), animal and environmental activist in Poland. See, too, HERE.
-1 November 2021. Review of Wattana: An Orangutan in Paris.
-25 October 2021. Sari Fitriani on saving orangutans.
-14 September 2021. This is from 2016 but still highly relevant: Dr. David Steele talks about animal consciousness, animal lives, and human waste.
-1 September 2021. Review of Bird Cottage by Eva Meijer.
-15 August 2021. What do animal and human rights have in common? Ask Mohandas K. Gandhi, the non-violent ethicist par excellence who started out as a vegetarian activist in London. International Vegetarian Union.
-11 August 2021. Rewilding from a deer's perspective, by John Yunker.
-1 August 2021. Animals' Best Friends by Barbara J. King. Book review.
-31 July 2021. Abused animals who can't run or scream: fish.
-8 July 2021. Factory Farming Awareness Coalition.
-2 July 2021. The Sustainability Mindset Principles, a book by Isabel Rimanoczy reviewed by Gregory F. Tague.
-12 June 2021. Against zoos by Dale Jamieson, 1985.
-8 June 2021. Steve Carver, et al. Guiding principles for rewilding, in Conservation Biology.
-14 May 2021. How the world looks to a vegan.
-25 April 2021. From a few years ago but still relevant, the questionable practice of growing lab meat, by David Steele.
-12 April 2021. If you are a feminist, why are you drinking dairy? Here.
-7 April 2021. "Primates are not..." essay by Gregory F. Tague in Trace: Journal of Human-Animal Studies.
-3 April 2021. Animals deserve gender pronouns. NPR.
-25 March 2021. Ecologist Carl Safina on what he eats.
-20 March 2021. Kids say no more great apes or elephants in zoos.
-12 March 2021. Valuing ecosystems will help save the planet. Nature.
-24 February 2021. The Madras Hight Court wants to prohibit ownership of elephants.
-21 February 2021. Animal behavior expert and author Dr. Jennifer Verdolin interviewed Gregory Tague on the subject of his book, An Ape Ethic. Listen here.
-19 February 2021. Lenten reflection for the "animals."
-13 January 2021. Poor farming threatens biodiversity and efficient food production; the shift in Western nations should be away from meat and dairy. Anthropocene Magazine.
-19 December 2020. Review essay by Gregory F. Tague of Marjolein Oele's unique book E-Co-Affectivity.
-18 December 2020. We've added more to the Resources page, including the Knowing Animals podcasts - check it out!
-10 December 2020. What can you do to heal the planet and make it more habitable for all species? Read some practical suggestions here.
-9 December 2020. Some links from an interesting webinar on animal farming and climate change I attended today. The Animals' Manifesto. Biocyclic vegan agriculture. Is lab-grown meat good news for animals?
-26 November 2020. Professor Tague reads from his book An Ape Ethic and the Question of Personhood, particularly from the Conclusion and a section on gardens. HERE.
-21 November 2020. Just in time for "Thanksgiving." Mighty Microgreens. They are very high in nutrients, and you can grow them at home. Read about it Here.
-15 November 2020. Scientific confirmation, as if we did not already know, that animals suffer brain damage - to the point of going crazy - in captivity. Here.
-1 November 2020. Conservationist David Johns on justice for nonhumans.
-29 October 2020. Carl Sagan - environmentalist for animal rights.
-18 October 2020. We are pleased to nominate the following works for the next Pushcart Prize. 1. Wendy Galgan, for her poem: "Here, in the gloaming...." (published 6 August 2020); 2. Catherine Evleshin for her fiction: "Elephant Sense" (published 1 October 2020). Congratulations and best of luck. You can read about the Pushcart Prize HERE.
-16 October 2020. Evan Nicholls review of new poetry collection by Anne Whitehouse, on Bibliotekos.
-15 October 2020. Literary Veganism has merited inclusion in the Poets & Writers magazine database.
-29 September 2020. Lawsuit challenges U.S. factory farms and slaughterhouses.
-25 September 2020. Pim Martens, Sustanimalism: A Sustainable Perspective on the Relationship Between Human and Non-human Animals. Book.
-4 September 2020. Animal-free chicken protein foods for dogs and cats, Bond Pet Foods.
-2 September 2020. Can humanity cause a mass extinction without any consequences? Of course not, says Eileen Crist.
-21 August 2020. International Vegan Film Festival.
-20 August 2020. Black vegans to check out.
-19 August 2020. I teach at St. Francis College, and we always talk of "Franciscan values." A pertinent question for readers of these pages might be, Was St. Francis a vegetarian? Considering his poverty, a life of begging, and the times in which he lived, he was probably not a certified vegan. He is, however, known as the lover of animals. Values and beliefs are not static. What if St. Francis lived among us today? Considering all the dietary options, would he be vegan? Here's a reflection (granted from 2017) by a Franciscan Brother on the topic.
-10 August 2020. Sympathy for Cecil the lion. Article by Eric S. Godoy.
-5 August 2020. Review of Debra Rosenman's book The Chimpanzee Chronicles (essay by Gregory F. Tague)
-5 August 2020. Review of David Wood's book Thinking Plant Animal Human (essay by Gregory F. Tague).
-2 August 2020. Don't blame cats for destroying wildlife.
-17 July 2020. Problem-solving pigs.
-16 July 2020. Heavy Metal Veganism. Yes. In Avatar, the Swedish band.
-14 July 2020. Eat plants, not meat. American Cancer Society guidelines.
-8 July 2020. The United Nations warns that unless measures are taken to protect biodiversity and shield it from human incursion, there will be many more pandemics.
-15 June 2020. Plant Based Data. Explore the Best Research on the Benefits of a Plant-Based Lifestyle.
-9 May 2020. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine: Meat is not essential.
-30 April 2020. What if non-humans had a political voice? Joe Gray.
-18 April 2020. Chickens do not suffer less than other animals.
-15 April 2020. Professor Tague's book on apes as moral individuals because of their land ethic as ecological engineers makes Animal Rights Watch.
-14 April 2020. "Our Cruel Treatment of Animals Led to the Coronavirus." Philosopher David Benatar.
-10 April 2020. Earth Day and Darwin's Worms. A short Video.
-4 April 2020. "Meat Kills" by philosopher Elisa Aaltola. And, "Factory Farms: A Hotspot for Emerging Pandemics."
-2 April 2020. "New research suggests industrial livestock, not wet markets, might be the origin of Covid 19." HERE.
-2 April 2020. Dr. Michael W. Fox on what the corona virus is telling us: "Continuing to consume animals as a basic food-source, marketing ever more vaccines and having ever more children, the rich and poor alike will be subject to the indiscriminate justice of natural law until we all abide in greater harmony with other species as well as with each other."
-15 March 2020. VOX Coronavirus video.
-14 March 2020. Professor Tague is interviewed by Mark Bekoff in Psychology Today.
-12 March 2020. Your coronavirus comes from exploiting, slaughtering, and eating animals. Face it. Gene Baur.
-11 March 2020. Vegan athletes. Yep. Other famous vegans.
-8 March 2020. "The Hidden Biases that Drive Anti-Vegan Hatred." BBC.
-23 February 2020. Marc Bekoff and Eva Meijer talk about animal languages, HERE.
-23 February 2020. An Ape Ethic and the Question of Personhood. New monograph by Professor Tague. Subjects: Environmental Ethics and Animal Studies. Available 15 April 2020. Pre-order at publisher's site, HERE.
-2 February 2020. "Stop Treating Animals as 'Invaders' for Simply Trying to Exist." Jeff Sebo and Marina Bolotnikova.
-30 June 2020. Killing is not the answer. Representative Max Rose says he advocates killing deer in the highly populated NYC borough of Staten Island.
-30 January 2020. Some sites of interest. E.O. Wilson's Biodiversity Foundation. Animal rights and bioethics philosopher Jessica Pierce.
-17 January 2020. Did you know that cows talk to each other about how they feel? Video of Ph.D. researcher Alexandra Green Here. And by conservation biologist Marc Bekoff Here.
-11 January 2020. The Story of Jimmy. A video from August 2019.
-7 January 2020. Actor Joaquin Phoenix on why he's vegan. Here.
-7 January 2020. Here's an essay by John Kinsella about being a vegan for three decades - appears in The Conversation.
-22 December 2019. We are not making any promises, but it's possible that some writing published in this journal, Literary Veganism, could be considered for the anticipated paperback anthology to be published by Bibliotekos.
-21 December 2019. Related to the efforts of this journal, there is a new Call for writing - a new (anticipated) paperback anthology called Literary Veganism. We depend on quality submissions to produce the book. Check the Calls page of the Bibliotekos website
-21 December 2019. We are a new online journal, just launched. Help us thrive by submitting quality work. See the Submissions tab, please, for guidelines.
-1 August 2021. Animals' Best Friends by Barbara J. King. Book review.
-31 July 2021. Abused animals who can't run or scream: fish.
-8 July 2021. Factory Farming Awareness Coalition.
-2 July 2021. The Sustainability Mindset Principles, a book by Isabel Rimanoczy reviewed by Gregory F. Tague.
-12 June 2021. Against zoos by Dale Jamieson, 1985.
-8 June 2021. Steve Carver, et al. Guiding principles for rewilding, in Conservation Biology.
-14 May 2021. How the world looks to a vegan.
-25 April 2021. From a few years ago but still relevant, the questionable practice of growing lab meat, by David Steele.
-12 April 2021. If you are a feminist, why are you drinking dairy? Here.
-7 April 2021. "Primates are not..." essay by Gregory F. Tague in Trace: Journal of Human-Animal Studies.
-3 April 2021. Animals deserve gender pronouns. NPR.
-25 March 2021. Ecologist Carl Safina on what he eats.
-20 March 2021. Kids say no more great apes or elephants in zoos.
-12 March 2021. Valuing ecosystems will help save the planet. Nature.
-24 February 2021. The Madras Hight Court wants to prohibit ownership of elephants.
-21 February 2021. Animal behavior expert and author Dr. Jennifer Verdolin interviewed Gregory Tague on the subject of his book, An Ape Ethic. Listen here.
-19 February 2021. Lenten reflection for the "animals."
-13 January 2021. Poor farming threatens biodiversity and efficient food production; the shift in Western nations should be away from meat and dairy. Anthropocene Magazine.
-19 December 2020. Review essay by Gregory F. Tague of Marjolein Oele's unique book E-Co-Affectivity.
-18 December 2020. We've added more to the Resources page, including the Knowing Animals podcasts - check it out!
-10 December 2020. What can you do to heal the planet and make it more habitable for all species? Read some practical suggestions here.
-9 December 2020. Some links from an interesting webinar on animal farming and climate change I attended today. The Animals' Manifesto. Biocyclic vegan agriculture. Is lab-grown meat good news for animals?
-26 November 2020. Professor Tague reads from his book An Ape Ethic and the Question of Personhood, particularly from the Conclusion and a section on gardens. HERE.
-21 November 2020. Just in time for "Thanksgiving." Mighty Microgreens. They are very high in nutrients, and you can grow them at home. Read about it Here.
-15 November 2020. Scientific confirmation, as if we did not already know, that animals suffer brain damage - to the point of going crazy - in captivity. Here.
-1 November 2020. Conservationist David Johns on justice for nonhumans.
-29 October 2020. Carl Sagan - environmentalist for animal rights.
-18 October 2020. We are pleased to nominate the following works for the next Pushcart Prize. 1. Wendy Galgan, for her poem: "Here, in the gloaming...." (published 6 August 2020); 2. Catherine Evleshin for her fiction: "Elephant Sense" (published 1 October 2020). Congratulations and best of luck. You can read about the Pushcart Prize HERE.
-16 October 2020. Evan Nicholls review of new poetry collection by Anne Whitehouse, on Bibliotekos.
-15 October 2020. Literary Veganism has merited inclusion in the Poets & Writers magazine database.
-29 September 2020. Lawsuit challenges U.S. factory farms and slaughterhouses.
-25 September 2020. Pim Martens, Sustanimalism: A Sustainable Perspective on the Relationship Between Human and Non-human Animals. Book.
-4 September 2020. Animal-free chicken protein foods for dogs and cats, Bond Pet Foods.
-2 September 2020. Can humanity cause a mass extinction without any consequences? Of course not, says Eileen Crist.
-21 August 2020. International Vegan Film Festival.
-20 August 2020. Black vegans to check out.
-19 August 2020. I teach at St. Francis College, and we always talk of "Franciscan values." A pertinent question for readers of these pages might be, Was St. Francis a vegetarian? Considering his poverty, a life of begging, and the times in which he lived, he was probably not a certified vegan. He is, however, known as the lover of animals. Values and beliefs are not static. What if St. Francis lived among us today? Considering all the dietary options, would he be vegan? Here's a reflection (granted from 2017) by a Franciscan Brother on the topic.
-10 August 2020. Sympathy for Cecil the lion. Article by Eric S. Godoy.
-5 August 2020. Review of Debra Rosenman's book The Chimpanzee Chronicles (essay by Gregory F. Tague)
-5 August 2020. Review of David Wood's book Thinking Plant Animal Human (essay by Gregory F. Tague).
-2 August 2020. Don't blame cats for destroying wildlife.
-17 July 2020. Problem-solving pigs.
-16 July 2020. Heavy Metal Veganism. Yes. In Avatar, the Swedish band.
-14 July 2020. Eat plants, not meat. American Cancer Society guidelines.
-8 July 2020. The United Nations warns that unless measures are taken to protect biodiversity and shield it from human incursion, there will be many more pandemics.
-15 June 2020. Plant Based Data. Explore the Best Research on the Benefits of a Plant-Based Lifestyle.
-9 May 2020. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine: Meat is not essential.
-30 April 2020. What if non-humans had a political voice? Joe Gray.
-18 April 2020. Chickens do not suffer less than other animals.
-15 April 2020. Professor Tague's book on apes as moral individuals because of their land ethic as ecological engineers makes Animal Rights Watch.
-14 April 2020. "Our Cruel Treatment of Animals Led to the Coronavirus." Philosopher David Benatar.
-10 April 2020. Earth Day and Darwin's Worms. A short Video.
-4 April 2020. "Meat Kills" by philosopher Elisa Aaltola. And, "Factory Farms: A Hotspot for Emerging Pandemics."
-2 April 2020. "New research suggests industrial livestock, not wet markets, might be the origin of Covid 19." HERE.
-2 April 2020. Dr. Michael W. Fox on what the corona virus is telling us: "Continuing to consume animals as a basic food-source, marketing ever more vaccines and having ever more children, the rich and poor alike will be subject to the indiscriminate justice of natural law until we all abide in greater harmony with other species as well as with each other."
-15 March 2020. VOX Coronavirus video.
-14 March 2020. Professor Tague is interviewed by Mark Bekoff in Psychology Today.
-12 March 2020. Your coronavirus comes from exploiting, slaughtering, and eating animals. Face it. Gene Baur.
-11 March 2020. Vegan athletes. Yep. Other famous vegans.
-8 March 2020. "The Hidden Biases that Drive Anti-Vegan Hatred." BBC.
-23 February 2020. Marc Bekoff and Eva Meijer talk about animal languages, HERE.
-23 February 2020. An Ape Ethic and the Question of Personhood. New monograph by Professor Tague. Subjects: Environmental Ethics and Animal Studies. Available 15 April 2020. Pre-order at publisher's site, HERE.
-2 February 2020. "Stop Treating Animals as 'Invaders' for Simply Trying to Exist." Jeff Sebo and Marina Bolotnikova.
-30 June 2020. Killing is not the answer. Representative Max Rose says he advocates killing deer in the highly populated NYC borough of Staten Island.
-30 January 2020. Some sites of interest. E.O. Wilson's Biodiversity Foundation. Animal rights and bioethics philosopher Jessica Pierce.
-17 January 2020. Did you know that cows talk to each other about how they feel? Video of Ph.D. researcher Alexandra Green Here. And by conservation biologist Marc Bekoff Here.
-11 January 2020. The Story of Jimmy. A video from August 2019.
-7 January 2020. Actor Joaquin Phoenix on why he's vegan. Here.
-7 January 2020. Here's an essay by John Kinsella about being a vegan for three decades - appears in The Conversation.
-22 December 2019. We are not making any promises, but it's possible that some writing published in this journal, Literary Veganism, could be considered for the anticipated paperback anthology to be published by Bibliotekos.
-21 December 2019. Related to the efforts of this journal, there is a new Call for writing - a new (anticipated) paperback anthology called Literary Veganism. We depend on quality submissions to produce the book. Check the Calls page of the Bibliotekos website
-21 December 2019. We are a new online journal, just launched. Help us thrive by submitting quality work. See the Submissions tab, please, for guidelines.