Poems by Lisa Kemmerer

             By Lisa Kemmerer

Melodious mountains muted,

magical mists marred—

      a distinct downgrade

      (caused by craving)—

      a vermillion

blemish of blindness,

      visibly veering to






“Sharing Space”

      By Lisa Kemmerer


I watched you scoot a scurrying spider

      onto a scrap of paper,

into your protective palm,

      then across the hallway

            to rehome her

      under the protective cover

            of our colorful kitchen curtains.


You sheltered that bundle of being

      as we might once have tended

            tender Bramble Cay melomys,

             grazing quaggas,

              trusting dodos,

               gentle thylacines,

                sleek Baiji dolphins,

                 gregarious passenger pigeons,

                  solitary black rhinos,

                   prehistoric Yangtze sturgeons,

                   eloquent dusky sparrows,


                  and so many other persons


                              now missing.



                  By Lisa Kemmerer


On this patient yet punctual planet,

      to pluck and plunder

            while listing those lost

      is so much the same

            as a reckless game

                  of rosey-red Russian roulette.


- Internationally known for her focus on anymals, nature, and disempowered human beings in the field of ethics, professor emeritus Dr. Lisa Kemmerer is founder and director of the educational non-profit, Tapestry (vegantapestry.org). Kemmerer has authored many articles, anthology chapters, and books (http://lisakemmerer.com/publications.html), including Vegan Ethics: AMORE—5 Reasons to Choose Vegan; Animals and World Religions; Sister Species: Women, Animals, and Social Justice; Eating Earth: Environmental Ethics and Dietary Choice; and two 2023 poetry chapbooks with Finishingline Press, Affinity and Waterways. For more information, please visit her website.    


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